The project administration allows you to create, administer, and publish your own projects with Lingscape. All you need is a user account for the project administration.
Log in #
Together with this tutorial you have received your personal username and password for Lingscape. These data are needed for accessing the server and administering your own data. Just go to and enter your username and password to log in.
The project administration offers three different types of actions that you can use for the creation and administration of your data: Profile, Projekte, and Pins.
Profile #
In the profile view, you can administer your user account. You can add your name and change the e-mail address that we use for notifications. Plus, you can change the log in password you have received. Please only use secure passwords if possible (min. 10 characters including numbers, special characters as well as capital and lower-case letters), so that your data are protected from unauthorized access.

Projekte #
The projects view shows an overview of your personal projects. You can add new projects, change the data, languages, and annotation categories for existing projects, or delete projects. Every project is specified by different types of information that you can define when creating or editing a project. To add a project, click on the green button Add project. To export an existing project, click the gray Export Project button.
By the way, multiple user accounts can be linked to the same project upon request, e.g., for group projects.
Add a project #
Creating a project requires a set of basic project details.

The necessary information for a new project comprises:
- Project name: This is the title of your project, e.g., “Silly names of hairdresser’s shops in Germany”.
- Created: The creation date of your project. This entry is generated automatically.
- Short name: Enter a short name for your project here, an abbreviation or acronym that is easy to remember, e.g., “Haircrimes”. This short name will be used within the app and in the public photo stream to identify your project. So, try and choose an abbreviation that is indicative of what you are surveying in your project (e.g., not something like “XYme”).
- Beschreibung: Here you can enter a short description of your project that we can use to mention your project on our website. The text should be illustrative but not too long so that everyone understands what you are working on.
- Password: This is the password you enter in the app to collect photos for your project. [→ App settings]. It should be easy to remember, in case you want to share it with other people for a joint project, but not easy to guess, e.g., “hA1rcR1meS”.
- Visibility: Here you can define for whom the photos in your project shall be visible, either for all users of the app or only the participants of your project. In general, we at Lingscape have an interest in open data, but in case you want to collect photos first, e.g., for a school project, you can also make them publicly available only after the project is finished.
- Display uploads automatically: Here you can choose if you want new photos that are added to your project to be displayed automatically or if you want to add them manually. Automatically means that an image is visible in your project right after the upload, manually means you have to manually approve the image. For most projects, “display automatically” is the right setting.
After you have added the basic information for your project, you can select languages and additional annotation categories (= taxonomies) for your project in the next step. Go to the project overview.
Project overview #
The project overview displays all the important information about your own projects: the short name and name of the project, enabled taxonomies and languages, the visibility and display settings, and the user profiles associated with this project.

To edit the settings for a project, click on the button on the far right with the three dots. In the context menu you can edit the following settings for your project:
- Edit: Here you will get to the basic settings for your project, which you entered during the creation.

- Languages: Here you can choose which languages should be displayed in your project (Figure 5). This refers to the language selection menu in the app. If you have entered a password in the app, only the languages selected for the project will be displayed in the language selection menu. You can either choose all available languages or choose which languages you need for your project.

- Taxonomies: Here you can choose which annotation categories to display in your project. This refers to the upload process in the app. If you have entered a password in the app, the taxonomies and categories selected for the project will be displayed during upload. You can enable or disable each taxonomy individually (Figure 6) by opening the context menu on the right. Activated taxonomies (green icon) are displayed in the app, deactivated taxonomies (gray icon) are not. If you click on Categories, you can individually activate and deactivate the available categories for each taxonomy (Figure 7), depending on which you want to use for your project. You can find a list of the taxonomies and categories that are currently available in the project here: Should you miss a specific taxonomy that would be helpful for your project, just reach out and we will add it to the list.
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- Groups: Here you can create workgroups for your project. This can be helpful, for example, if you want several small groups of students to work on different tasks in a larger project without having to create a new project for each group. In the group overview (Figure 8) you can see all existing groups and sort them by drag & drop and create new ones. Activated groups (green icon) are displayed in the app, deactivated groups (gray icon) are not. You can de/activate, delete or edit groups via the context menu. When you create new groups or edit existing ones (Fig. 9), you can change the name and description of the group, as well as the sort order (the larger the number, the further back in the order) and the status (active/inactive). Groups are organized internally within the project, so they are used only for organization within your project and can be named as you wish.
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- Delete: You can also delete your project should you no longer need it. If you want to do that, please let us know in advance, so that we can transfer your pictures to the general database and keep them for the project.
Export project #
You can export the data from your personal projects (Fig. 10). Your data will be exported as a .csv file that can be easily imported into applications like Excel or Numbers. Additionally, you can include all photos in the download. The following options are available:

- Project: You can choose the project to export by its short name.
- Include photos: Should you want to include the images in the download, activate this option.
- Include hidden/private pins: If you want to add data and images that are not visible to the public or of status hidden, activate this option.
Pins #
Pins are the little red symbols on the app map that stand for the individual uploaded photos. Every pin represents an image with meta data and annotations. The pin administration serves the purpose to administer the photos in your projects. You can sort and filter the data using different criteria as well as change the information for each pin. Plus, you can hide or even delete individual photos. The image browser (Fig. 11) gives you the most important information for every photo in your projects. You can change most of these data by opening the context menu to the right. You can also filter your data by projects, languages and annotation categories.

Information in the image browser (from left to right) #
- Check box: With this box, you can select entries for further editing. Once you have selected one or more images, you will be presented with additional editing options:
- Check | Uncheck: With this you can mark that you have checked an entry as appropriate for your project. This setting does not affect the visibility of photos on the map.
- Display | Hide: This setting determines, whether a pin is displayed on the (project) map or not.
- Delete: If there is an image that is not suitable for your project, you can delete it with this option.
- Image preview: Here a preview of the photo is shown. By clicking on the preview photo, you can open a detail view of the respective entry.
- ID: The ID is the identification number of the photo in our database. With this number, you can refer to individual photos in Lingscape, e.g., for publications.
- GUID / Nickname : The GUID is an identification code transmitted by your phone when uploading images. It is used to distinguish the uploads of different contributors to your project and should not be changed. (NOTE: On iOS the GUID will be replaced by a new one as soon as the app is deleted/reinstalled or you change your phone). | If a contributor has given himself a nickname in the app, it will be displayed under the GUID.
- Country / City: The data for country and city are added automatically during upload. They describe the geographical location at which the photo was taken.
- Languages: In this field, all languages that have been added to the photo during upload are displayed.
- Taxonomies: If taxonomies and analysis categories are enabled in your projects, the annotated information is displayed in this field. If you hover over a taxonomy icon, the annotated category is displayed as a pop-up.
- Comment: Here you can find the comments and annotations that have been added during upload.
- Project / Group: This field indicates for each photo to which project it belongs (short name) and whether it was uploaded by a specific work group.
- Visibility: The lock symbol displays the visibility for each image. If the lock is visible in the corresponding field, the image can only be seen by project participants, otherwise the image is visible to all users (in the app and the public photo stream).
- Status: This field indicates the check and visibility status for your photos. A photo can be displayed or hidden, checked or unchecked.
- (Un)Checked: Hereby you mark, that you have checked the appropriate entry and classified as suitable for the project. This setting does not affect the visibility of photos on the map.
- Displayed/Hidden: This setting determines whether or not a pin is displayed on the project map in the app and in the public photo stream. Hidden photos are not displayed in the app, neither on the project map nor on the general map for all users. Displayed photos are visible on the project map in the app; they will only appear on the public map and photo stream if you have specified in the project settings that your project should be visible to all users.
- Context menu | Edit: With this option (Fig. 12) you get to the basic information for a pin. You can change the following information here:
- GUID: The identifier for a device. This should not be changed!
- Comment: Here you can enter or remove additional information.
- Country | City: Country and city are automatically added during upload. You should only change them if they are obviously wrong.
- Latitude | Longitude: These are the geographical coordinates as defined during upload. You should only change them, if the location of a photo on the map is wrong or inexact.
- Image file: Here you can replace the image file linked to the entry with another one, for example, if you want to crop an image to remove people.
- Checked | Displayed: This information corresponds to the data in the field Status in the image browser.
- Project: Here you can assign a photo to one your projects. To do so, just pick the project short name for the respective project from the drop-down menu. Right now, a photo can only be assigned to one project.
- Username public: For each pin, you can individually set whether an added nickname should be publicly visible.
- Group: If there are working groups in the project, you can change/select the group membership here.
- Nickname: If the image was uploaded with an active nickname, it will be displayed here. Nicknames cannot be changed at the project level.

- Context menu | Languages: With this setting you can subsequently change the languages assigned to a pin (Fig. 13).
- Context menu | Taxonomies: With this setting you can subsequently change the annotation categories assigned to a pin (Fig. 14).
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Search, filter, and sorting options in the image browser #
You have different options for searching and filtering your data in the image browser. To activate a specific filter, click in the blue button “Apply” below the filter fields, to reset all filters click on the white button “Reset filters”.
- Search: With the search field, you can search your entire photo collection for specific information, e.g., for city names or hashtags that have been entered in the comment field, to filter the displayed data.
- Filter functions: You can filter your photo collection based on different criteria. These can also be combined:
- Verification: You can display only photos that are marked as checked/ unchecked.
- Display status: You can display only displayed/hidden photos.
- Project: Choose the short name of a project to show all photos linked to this project.
- Language: You can display only photos that have been tagged with a specific language.
- Taxonomy: You can display only photos to which a specific taxonomy has been added.
- Category: You can display only photos to which a specific category has been added.
- Sort: You can sort the table view based on different criteria (ID, GUID, country, city, short name). Repeated clicking on a category changes the order (ascending/descending).
Add pins manually #
You can also manually add individual pins to your collection if you want to add photos to your projects that you do not have on your mobile phone. To do so, click on the green button “Add entry”. Make sure you specify all the details, especially the geo coordinates, so that the photo is displayed correctly on the map. The easiest way to do that is to search for the exact location in Google Maps and transfer the coordinates to the appropriate fields. Since the Lingscape uses the same map projection as Google (WGS84), it ensures that the coordinates are exact.
App settings #
In the app, go to the settings by tapping on the small info icon in the upper right corner and select the Settings item. NOTE: In the Android app, the settings look slightly different from the ones shown here.
To collect photos for your own project, you must enter a project password in the app. This password is identical to the password you have defined when creating a project. You can find the password in the project overview in the row Password. In addition, the affiliation to groups can be selected in the settings. Users can also enter an individual or project-related nickname here.
Add / change / delete nickname #
At the top of the settings you will find the dialog to enter a nickname. This name will be displayed in the app and in the repository with your uploads. So you can use the nickname to document authorship for your images. It is also a good way to distinguish the contributions of participants in projects. But NOTE: Nicknames are globally assigned on the whole platform; therefore avoid too general names like “Student 2” or “Denise”.
To set a nickname, simply enter the desired name in the upper text field (Figure 15 left) and click Submit. If the desired name is still available, it will be displayed as your nickname (Figure 15 right). If someone else is already using the name, you will get an error message. Use the Change/Delete button to choose another nickname or delete the existing one. NOTE: A nickname affects all current and previous uploads you have already made on Lingscape. So choose your nickname wisely. Please also avoid vulgar names, as the platform is also used by children.
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Project password and groups #
To join an existing project, enter the project password in the lower text field and tap the Submit button (Figure 15 left). This will store the password in the app and any new upload will be added to your project. If there are groups for the project, you will be asked which group you want to join (Figure 16 left). After you have chosen your group, your project and the group will be displayed in the settings (Figure 16 center).
You can join multiple projects one after the other, which will be displayed in a list in the settings (Figure 16 right). Just repeat the process. If you have created multiple projects, you must always select one to be active in the app. Click on the corresponding project (and select the group membership if necessary). The active project will be marked with a blue tick icon.
If you want to delete a project, you can swipe the project name to the left. A red button Delete appears, with which you can confirm the deletion.
NOTE: If you have stored a project password in the app, only the images that belong to your project will be displayed on the map in the app. If you remove the password, the view changes back to the general map for all users.
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